
Why Every Great Leader Needs A Great Coach

July 01, 2020

According to the Harvard Business Review, “two out of every five new CEOs fail in the first 18 months.” With today’s increasing demands and stresses on leadership roles, this is not a huge surprise. Being a leader can be lonely, demanding, and ultimately take a toll on various aspects of your life. However, with the help of a trained executive coach, you can find balance as a leader, tackle problem-solving strategically, and lead and communicate with strength and kindness during uncertain times.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with an individual or group in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Take professional sports — every winning team has an exceptional coach on the sidelines. Similarly, behind every great professional team is a great leader and behind every great leader is a great coach. If you’re looking to maximize your potential, coaching is the most straight-forward approach for becoming the leader and manager you’ve dreamed of being.

Here are four reasons it’s time to start investing in an executive coach today!

1. You need a cheerleader

If you’ve ever had a good physical trainer, you understand the value of having that encouraging voice to cheer you on as you power through a difficult workout. Coaching provides similar encouragement in the other areas of your life. Being a leader can oftentimes feel isolating — while you give so much of yourself to encourage and empower others, it can be difficult to find someone to provide you with the motivation you need to pursue your goals. An executive coach will walk alongside you to help you identify the next steps and keep you accountable for moving forward in your career and your journey towards being the best leader you can be.

2. You need a co-equal

While other relational disciplines like counseling, therapy, and advising are about someone else being the expert to help you, coaching is a parallel, people-helping discipline.

More often than not, leaders like yourself don’t actually need an expert telling them what to do. No one else has ever been in your shoes before and YOU are the one running your life, your team, and your organization. What will make you successful right now is the deep, reinforced belief that you can pilot your unique journey towards success and accomplish the things you’ve set out to do. Coaching is all about empowering you to make decisions that are right for you and your success individually and as a whole.

3. You need a safe space

As a leader, you need someone to process with that isn't your team or those invested in your personal life. While it’s valuable to let your team in on your thought process when appropriate, they shouldn't be on the roller coaster as you're making tough decisions. And while your friends and family likely care deeply about your success, they may not want or be able to carry the heavy burdens that come with leadership.

Coaching provides a confidential space where you can process your fears, concerns, ideas, and plans as a leader in a time of uncertainty.

4. You need to know yourself

Every great leader knows themself. And at it's best, when working with a highly trained coach, coaching will be a mirror into your soul, allowing you to understand yourself more fully. COVID-19 has provided an excellent opportunity for introspection and focused self-development. It's not only an opportunity, it's a need.

As you grow as a person, you will grow as a leader. And your organization needs you to be growing right now.

AGL: Coaching for Good provides coaching from International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified coaches. ICF coaches are setting the bar for the coaching industry, providing the highest level of certification and training so we can coach leaders on their journey to success.

Looking to maximize your leadership potential? AGL: Coaching for Good is here to help. LEARN MORE!